When cutting or finishing the sharpening, the sharp tip of the blade will be very irregular, jagged, chipped, and even more, the blade will roll.
At this time, you should rub the blade with a sharpening rod to keep the blade smooth and sharp, increase the service life of the knife, and avoid sharpening the knife with a whetstone.
The specific method of use varies with knives and sticks. But the same thing is when it is used to sharpen the knife, even if the sharpener with a hand guard, do not rub it from the outside to the inside. It should be from the inside out.
Keep a certain angle and grind it from start to finish from the inside out. Don't just use the middle. In the course of the movement, it should also move from the inside to the outside. Rub the blade two or three times on each side. When the knife is relatively large, use it harder, and use it on a small knife, which should be lighter.
Please check the blade after rubbing. If it is not flat, rub it a few more times. Then wash and dry the sticks and save them.
Contact: Mr. Xu
Mobile phone:13967922166
E-mail: xuyi4566@vip.163.com
Add:Huzhailong Industrial Zone, Jiaodao Town, Wuyi
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