How to use a sharpener to sharpen a knife?

Time:2021-06-01 12:00:00

1. The stick does not move the knife: hold the knife with your left hand, with the cutting edge to the right, the plane of the knife and the line of sight form an angle of about 20 degrees, hold the sharpening rod with your right hand, and put the root of the rod on the blade first. At an angle of about 10 degrees, send the rod forward with your right hand, and then turn the knife over to sharpen the other side of the blade, and repeat until the blade is sharp.

2. The knife does not move the rod: the left hand grips the sharpening rod, and the right hand grasps the cutting edge of the tool to the left, forming an angle of 8-10 degrees with the rod and placing it on the surface of the sharpening rod, and the knife moves toward the end of the sharpening rod. Push hard. Then turn the blade of the knife and place it on the end of the rod and pull it back and forth, repeating this back and forth until the blade is sharp.

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